A Flower It Seems, as If a Tree It Looks Like.
A Flower It Seems, as If a Tree It Looks Like.
This work was inspired by the local Melaleuca forest roads. The Melaleuca tree trunks and Melaleuca leaves and flowers drifted in the wind scattered within the pond, and flocks of egrets scattered amidst the trees. Together, they absorb the energy of the locale. Such feature constructs an energy field of land and water.
Material:Stainless steel
Dimensions:A set with multiple pieces. Maximum height is 10m

Liu Po-Chun
臺灣 Taiwan
Master of Sculpture, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Former Director-general of Art Museum; Incumbent Dean of Fine Art College and Chairman of the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts Full-time Professor of the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts