Bloom Paradise
Bloom Paradise
“Bloom Paradise” uses colorful flowers to represent the origins and fusion of different cultures as well as the beautiful city of Taoyuan. “Bloom Paradise” is a new Taoyuan “landscape,” in which various colors are employed to portray Taoyuan as the most ethnically diverse city in Taiwan. Different ethnic groups work jointly and diligently to build Taoyuan into the land of their dreams. Cultural “seeds” that they have planted have subsequently blossomed into wonderful flowers, illustrating the love and peace that exist in Taoyuan.
Material:Stainless steel, FRP and paint
Dimensions:Big:7X7x5.1 m(H)±5%, Medium:4.2X3.6X3.4 m(H)±5%, Small:2.2X2.2X2.4 m(H)±5%
LAI Jun T.
臺灣 Taiwan