Childhood in Xaioli
Childhood in Xaioli
This piece was inspired from community interviews and took Barefoot Little Man: Childhood by Xiaoli River as reference. It was presented through sculpture and bamboo weaving. Located in the publicspace at Xiaoli Community, it attempts to arouse the landcultivating memories on the people's minds and their childhood funs they used to have playing by the water.
Material:FRP and bambooweaving
Dimensions:3 X 3m。

林彥良 x 王昱翔 x 歐鴻金火
Lin Yen-Liang x Wang Yu-xi x ang Hung Chin-Hu Ou
臺灣 Taiwan
LIN YEN-LIANG Skilled at various sculptures and realistic figure sculptures.
WANG YU-XI Straw weaving artist of Taoyuan
ANG HUNG CHIN-HU OU Straw weaving artist of Taoyuan