The woofer is installed inside of Embracing to present the different frequency of "heartbeats." By utilizing special frequencies, heartbeats can only be heard by visitors approaching or embracing the tree installation. Through resonance, they can also feel the vibrance like a heartbeat from the tree installation.
Material:The woofer is installed inside of Embracing to present the different frequency of "heartbeats." By utilizing special frequencies, heartbeats can only be heard by visitors approaching or embracing the tree installation. Through resonance, they can also feel the vibrance like a heartbeat from the tree installation.
Dimensions:1 X 2m

馬修連恩/音樂設計 x 江元皓/裝置設計
Matthew Lien / Musician x
Chiang luan-Hau / Installation Artist
加拿大/臺灣 Canada/Taiwan
Matthew Lien is a music designer from Yukon Canada and has worked in Taiwan for more than ten years. His music is inspired by Mother Nature and has a strong connection with it. He promotes eco-friendly ideas with his music.
luan-Hau Chiang is a Taiwanese visual artist that often utilizes the strength and beauty of human movements and lines and ponders on the relevance of the existence of human society and Mother Nature.