Gallinula Chloropus
Gallinula Chloropus
Based on the silhouette of Gallinula chloropus, industrial laser was employed to carve out the silhouette into 11 pieces of gradually transformative Gallinula chloropus bodies in equidistant pattern. Each piece was then connected to the same-sized silhouette feet of Gallinula chloropus. An alternation of emptiness and presence was created by intertwining the remaining pieces in the space. It was designed as so to reflect the subtle relationship between the natural phenomenon and industrial manufacturing mechanisms.
Dimensions:An installation with 22 pieces

Liu Po-Chun
臺灣 Taiwan
Master of Sculpture, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Former Director-general of Art Museum; Incumbent Dean of Fine Art College and Chairman of the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts Full-time Professor of the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts