Love is without boundary
Love is without boundary
A cage with no door to open or close represents that love is not a binding cage to lock people in. There should be no hierarchy nor gender restrictions. It also symbolizes a warm harbor that can protect and nurture. Anyone can love and be loved. Love should be something beautiful, comforting, and a place we can come and go at will.
Material:Wood and steel frame
Dimensions:3 x 3m

龍華科技大學 文化創意與數位媒體設計系
Department of Cultural Creativity and Digital Media Design, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
臺灣 Taiwan
Department of Cultural Creativity and Digital Media Design, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
Instructor: Rex Chao
Student:Hung Yung-Lin Wu Yi-hsuan Tsai Yun-ChenLin Yu-hsuan