
Next Color is Blue

Next Color is Blue

Garbage left on the streets would flow to the ocean via rivers eventually. Nowadays, there are plenty of garbage floating across the oceans of the world, devouring by fish, shortly before into our body. The artist expects to reflect the issue shared by all via this piece of work.

Material:Metal mesh and coating

Dimensions:2✕2.5m,3 pieces

藤井芳則 x 桃園市新都心生活文化協會 x 桃園市桃源銀髮族協會
Fujii Yoshinori x New City Centrum Life Culture Union x
Taoyuan City Taoyuan Association of Retired Persons

日本/臺灣 Japan/Taiwan

The artist observe all patterns of life as a freelance artistic observer, from which he draw creative energy, while searching for more possibility for works among the interaction with residents locally.