Surroundings was inspired by beehives, which symbolizes the image of "home." The musicians expect to provide audiences with a tranquil and back-to-the-nature environment. By replacing the audience’s "sense of sight", it allows them to the impact of "environment" though "the sense of hearing."
Material:Straws, iron frames and acoustic equipment
Dimensions:17m x 8m

馬修連恩/音樂設計 x 江元皓/裝置設計
Matthew Lien / Musician x
Chiang luan-Hau / Installation Artist
加拿大/臺灣 Canada/Taiwan
Matthew Lien is a music designer from Yukon Canada and has worked in Taiwan for more than ten years. His music is inspired by Mother Nature and has a strong connection with it. He promotes eco-friendly ideas with his music.
luan-Hau Chiang is a Taiwanese visual artist that often utilizes the strength and beauty of human movements and lines and ponders on the relevance of the existence of human society and Mother Nature.